
How Important Is The Music?

2 min read June 19, 2017 at 7:21pm on bride, dj, getting married, Getting Started, groom, music, need a dj, wedding, wedding day, wedding dj, wedding party and wedding reception

So, I am currently planning my own wedding (can I just say I 100% was not prepared for this gigantic task) and who knew there would be so many questions? Now I'm not the most decisive person in the world, so maybe, just maybe I'm the only person this is a problem for, but really who knew how important the music is? I naively thought that I had ticked music off my to do list as soon as I booked my Dj and let it fade from my mind whilst i continued to contemplate how many tiers on the wedding cake and how the bridesmaids would wear their hair.It wasn't until someone asked me what will my first dance be to that I realised thats a very good question and why hadn't i thought about that? So after thinking it over all night and then realising i didn't have a clue I spoke to some of the wedding dj's i know for any suggestions they may have. They all gave a few of the same songs,

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

, Make You Feel My Love - Adele

and At Last - Etta James

Which made me immediately think I don't want any of them because MY wedding isn't going to be like everyone else's. So I spent every waking minute listening to different songs trying to find the perfect song to mark our first dance. I was driving myself mad, i wasn't organising anything else it was beginning to feel impossible when Etta James came on the radio. Whilst sitting on the kitchen floor crying i realised this is the song and the reason its played at so many other weddings is because its perfect. Ultimately its your choice but don't dismiss others ideas because you want to be the one to find the perfect song. I could of saved myself a lot of time and stress if I hadn't been so stubborn. That evening Daniel came home from work and I was so excited to tell him the song we would have our first dance to and guess what he said...........

"That's nice, What song you walking down the aisle to?"